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Monday, March 3, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
Hello. Sorry for the MIA lately. Haha. I've got 3 little secrets to share today.

1) I commit maself to 3 kinda blogs. 1st is Dayre, Tumblr, then this. Okay, I know it's so hard to keep track on which blog I'll be updating, but I guess I'll update more on Dayre and Tumblr. Dayre is so convenient that I only need 20mins to share my thoughts& my day. I know it's a public space but I'm assuming that nobody's interested with my boring life&thoughts except for those who matters. As for Tumblr, because I'd joined a 100HappyDays thingi, so I'll be updating my tumblr everyday. :)

Well if you're interested, below are both ma Dayre and Tumblr link :).

2) Sometimes I feel like I have too much freedom here that I'd become a person who talks with no boundaries. I only care for those whom I care, I criticize those whom I dislike / things that I 看不顺眼 in front of them, basically I'm becoming more and more pattern each day that I'm afraid that my good friends are annoyed by me. But non of them express any unhappiness towards my patternness. (Well, except one of my cooking mate. I can sense that she feels like slapping my face all the time) but I don't really care you know. because I don't wanna make her feel like I'm pleasing her, or I'm actually tolerating her princess attitude. So yea, I'm completely myself this moment. 

Though I don't know whether I should continue to be like that. But everyone seems to be fine and they are always laughing when they are with me. Maybe it's a good thing? I don't know. 

I guess I should learn how to 收放。

3) eventhough I contributed to today's class discussion, but there is a slight unhappiness as I'm still the old me who doesn't know how to express her points well. How the hell am I gonna survive :(. 

Tonight, let me drown myself in music. 

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