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Power of Words
Thursday, November 14, 2013 | 0 Superman(s)
It has been a very tough experience for me to really forget and forgive what she said few days ago (what more with the recent event). These few days, I kept watching my feelings, and I questioning myself, "why did I allow someone like that to hurt me", "why did I give my heart out to someone like that", and it all comes down to "why am I affected by her words?". And I realize, the problem is not on her, it's on me. Because I always take everyone's comments, feelings, view and words so seriously, and now it has become a habit even to someone I'm not close with. But I'm still angry with her, if she could just think before she talk, I won't be bothered with her words now and I will be fully focusing on my studies now.

So, I wanted to post something on facebook, "Please think before you say or do anything, you might not know, your actions/words can be hurtful to others." to make her realize that whatever she did affects me and basically is telling her to watch her mouth before saying anything. 
But just when I was about to post it, I saw an article from tiny buddha about 
The Greatest Lesson We Learn When Someone Is Unkind
After I read it, I realized that whatever I'm about to do, will bring up another storm from unnecessary people and it's unkind. The article end with a quote, 

we all have a choice to be kind, and we are presented with that choice many times a day.
 I wanna remind myself this everyday and hopefully I can let go of this incident in near future. 

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