:3 Have a Little Faith :3

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Sunday, September 7, 2014 | 0 Superman(s)
IHellow world! Just went to career fair today with Ms Alicia! Well, dropped a few resume to banks even though I already know what I want and I'm waiting for reply from that particular firm. No harm tryna have a few backup plan right? :) 

Oh! Before I forget! Went to Lee Homs concert yesterday and it was AWESOME!!! Even though I had to sit under the rain, but I think it was worthy as I get to really enjoy good LIVE music :D 

And 张杰 came too!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁😘😘😘😍😍😍 

My life is complete :D I'm thankful that I got that free ticket from NescafΓ© and I'm gonna be positive and equanimous on my job seek. 😁 YEAH!!!!   

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